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3. Julia Sorrell
Julia Sorrell . A visual exploration of shape and form . observed in the natural world
4. Home [www.juliasorrell-portraits.ukartists.com]
Contact For further information contact Julia Sorrell on: Phone: 01953 498736. E-mail: juliasorrell ‘at’ ukartists.com. Please replace the ‘at’ with @
5. Home [www.elizabethsorrell.ukartists.com]
The Collector (detail) Watercolour , 1983 . Such details show the unbelievable skill and meticulousness of Elizabeth Sorrell’s work.
6. BabyandLou Who?
a funky crazy take on art that is so refreshing ... DON'T TURN HEADS... STOP TRAINS!!! You are about to experience the audio visual babyandlouwho?
7. Fantasy Art - Jeffrey Wilkie
Fantasy Art Click-A-Pic Slideshow Demo Jeffrey Wilkie To start the slideshow, click first image below. Once it has loaded up, click it to see the next and so on.