1. The Bible. The World's best seller. - Bible Society
Bible Society exists because millions lack the Bible in a language they can understand, in a form they can use or at a price they can afford. At the same time millions ...
2. Walk Through the Bible Ministries UK
A refreshing way to see the whole Bible. Since 1984 we at Walk Through the Bible have shared our unique “Big Picture” approach to understanding the Bible.
3. BIBLIJA.net - the Bible on the Internet
Bibles on the internet in various languages. ... Last update of the program: 12-17-2009
4. Search the Bible - Bible Society
Use the Bible Society's website to search the bible by keyword, chapter and verse. Bible Society exists because millions lack the Bible in a language they can understand.
5. Two UK schools ban their pupils receiving the Bible during 400th ...
The Bible Society reports that the head teachers of two UK schools have banned the Gideon Society from giving free copies of the Bible to their pupils during the 400th ...
6. The Ten Plagues of the Bible TV Show - National Geographic Channel ...
» Play Act of God? video (1:00) This mini-series aims to separate fact from faith to reveal the truth behind the Biblical plagues. » Play Natural Disas... video ...
7. The Bible Code: Amazon.co.uk: Michael Drosnin: Books
For 3000 years a code in the Bible has remained hidden. Now it has been unlocked by computer - and it may reveal our future. The code, broken by an Israeli ...
8. The Bible [DVD]: Amazon.co.uk: DVD
Most Helpful Customer Reviews: The Bible ... in the Beginning is a most interesting motion picture. Over the course of almost three hours, the people and events of ...
9. RE:Quest: All About The Bible
What is in the Bible, and why is it important to Christians? ... ©2007 RE:Quest Education, PO Box 429, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 9FD