2. User Agent Hack • mozillaZine Forums
I rarely have a need to post my UA string; I wanted it more for the new people who say,
3. MRSPUTNIK in UA String?? - Web Hosting Talk
MRSPUTNIK in UA String?? Hosting Security and Technology ... Hosting Security and Technology Configuring and optimizing web hosting servers and operating systems, developing ...
4. .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 User Agent Problem | Microsoft Connect
- i recall reading, in my travels, of a 260 character limit on the ua string - i assume this was referring to javascript's limit and upon passing this limit javascript errors out ...
5. Re: How i can get the XPCOM version using C++ ?
Hmm... you could try using nsIHttpProtocolHandler to read the UA string. I suspect this requires the layout component to be initialized (since it configures the product portion ...
6. Detect and Display Windows Version - JavaScript / Ajax / DHTML ...
> Home from the UA string :) > > I still say you can't reliably get the OS from the browser. Keyword > being reliably.[/color] No argument with that.
7. software.brighthand.com
8. user-agent-string.info: List of UA
List of user agent string ... List of User Agent Strings. UA database includes detailed information about ever single user agent and operating system.