1. sportsmedicine.com | Sports Medicine on the Web
Offers information on education, organizations, and topics about sports medicine. Plus a chat room, mail list, and message board to connect people interested in sports medicine.
2. SPORT MEDICINA.ORG il portale della Medicina dello Sport
La Medicina dello Sport per chi ama e pratica lo sport (allenamento, integrazione, alimentazione, traumatologia) il punto del Dr Alfidi (Terracina) Latina
3. sportmedicina.com - piramide alimentare, paraolimpiadi, maenza ...
sportmedicina.com - piramide alimentare, paraolimpiadi, maenza, certificato medico, mennea Keywords:
4. www.sportmedicina.info
ENTRA IN . www.sportmedicina.com . Il Portale Italiano. della. MEDICINA DELLO SPORT
5. Medicina Sportiva - Health Sciences - Versita
Editor Board. Zbigniew Szygula, Chief Editor, University of Physical Education, Krakow, Poland Wojciech Gawronski - Deputy Editor University of Physical Education, Krakow, Poland
6. Cycling Hall of Fame.com
... Championship Road Race, Nencini was 4th in 1955 behind Stan Ockers of Belgium, J-P Schmitz of Luxembourg, and Germain Derycke of Belgium. Picture courtesy of www.sportmedicina.com
7. Medicina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
... Institute for Radio Astronomy of Bologna), created by the CNR (National association for Research) and now part of the INAF and there is an identical one in Noto, Sicily. Sport. Medicina ...
8. L.A.F.A.L. - Laboratory of Functional Anatomy of the Locomotor ...
Sforza, G. Alberti, V. Vanini, N. Fragnito, V.F. Ferrario Sport & Medicina, 18 (6): 47-51, 2001. 2000 Come gira la testa. Ampiezza dei movimenti normali di testa e collo in ...