1. KidSites.com - Your Guide to the Best Kid Sites on the Web
Your guide to the best sites for kids on the web.
2. Kids Games, Kids Movies, Kids Music, and More - Yahoo! Kids
Yahoo Kids! is the ultimate web guide for kids! Features fun and educational resources for kids with games, animals, music, jokes, movies, news, astrology, TV, science, e ...
3. Kids.gov: The Official Kids' Site of the U.S. Government
WELCOME TO KIDS.GOV Find links to government and other kids' sites -- just use the navigation bar above to browse through our site. Explore, learn, and have fun!
4. Kidsites - the best search engine for kids
A directory of the best safe sites for kids, teachers and families.
5. ALA | Great Web Sites for Kids
Find a great book, video, or DVD while searching Great Web sites for Kids? Search for that item in libraries near you: Enter title, subject or author
6. KidSites.com - Science Sites for Kids - KidSites.com - Your Guide ...
Science. Amusement Park Physics Explores how the laws of physics play a role in the design of amusement park rides. Design a roller coaster, determine the outcome of bumper ...
7. GetNetWise | Web Sites for Kids - GetNetWise | You're one click away
Web Sites for Kids. Several of our supporters publish or produce Internet sites for children that are consistent with GetNetWise's goal of keeping the Internet safe for ...
8. Sites for Kids in the Yahoo! Directory
Explore sites for kids including online references, homework help, jokes and activities, justice for kids, fun stories, online games, Kids' Network run by kids, free ...
9. PBS KIDS: Educational Games, Videos and Activities For Kids!
Play educational games, watch PBS KIDS shows and find activities like coloring and music. PBS KIDS Games and Shows are research based and vetted by educators.