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4. Shanghai Aohua Photoelectricity Endoscope Co., Ltd. « Medical ...
660 Shengang Rd., Songjiang District 201612 Shanghai China (Rep.) Phone: +86 21 67681018 Fax: +86 21 67681019. http://www.sh-aohua.com. emilysoong@sh-aohua.com
5. Shanghai AOHUA Photoelectricity Endoscope Co.,Ltd. - KIHE ...
Shanghai Aohua Photoelectricity Endoscope Co.,Ltd. has the history of 14 years, which is manufacture medical endoscopes and industrial endoscopes.
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地 址: 中国 上海市松江区 上海市松江区申港路660号 邮 编: 201612; 公司主页: http://www.sh-aohua.cn http://aohua2010.cn.alibaba.com
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