1. Samatha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Samatha , śamatha (Sanskrit; also orthographically romanized to shamatha) "calm abiding," comprises a suite, type or style of Buddhist meditation or concentration ...
2. Samantha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Variants of Samantha used in English include Samanthi, Samanthia, Samatha, Samella, and Symantha. Other English forms include the short form Sam, the pet forms Sami ...
3. Welcome To Samatha -- ::
Samatha Society for Rural Education and Development has been implementing many Rural developmental activities for the target community like S.C., S.T., Child Labour ...
4. Samantha Who? (TV Series 2007–2009) - IMDb
Created by Donald Todd, Cecelia Ahern. With Christina Applegate, Jennifer Esposito, Kevin Dunn, Melissa McCarthy.
5. Samatha - Kosmix : Reference, Videos, Images, News, Shopping and ...
Samatha is a term with deep philosophical connotations. It means conditioning of the mind to achieve ultimate concentration leading to absolute calm.
6. Samatha
Samatha CW31_No.63 (Chapter VII, Part III to XI, Buddhist Meditation: Systematic and Practical) By C. M. Chen, as written down by Rev. Kantipalo
7. Samatha India
Community of dalits ... Welcome to Samatha Blogs. This is a forum for blogs related to dalit issues and dalit news.
8. Samatha: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
Samatha (Pāli. śamatha (Sanskrit; also orthographically romanized to shamatha) "calm abiding," comprises a suite, type or style of Buddhist meditation