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2. 0939.ir
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3. Wp-mafia.ir
... assadi Younes Mohamad Manesh remarks: (Domain Holder Address) Vavan, Padafand, Block 2, No. 2,, Islamshahr, Tehran, IR holder-c: by52-irnic admin-c: by52-irnic tech-c: sa1601 ...
4. www.2ir.ir
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5. StyleCop 4.3 > StyleCop 4.3 Rules > Documentation Rules > SA1601 ...
StyleCop 4.3 > StyleCop 4.3 Rules > Documentation Rules > SA1601: PartialElementsMustBeDocumented ... C# syntax provides a mechanism for inserting documentation for classes and elements ...
6. VEB.IR | veb
Veb.ir is the 2013:th largest site within .IR. The programming language used on the ... sa1601.ir; Ranking 853198. aftabteam.com; Ranking 874001. forlove.ir; Ranking 5264023.
7. StyleCop - Home
StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules. It can be run from inside of Visual Studio or integrated into an MSBuild project. This release ...
8. thebeebs | SA1601: Partial Elements Must Be Documented
SA1601: Partial Elements Must Be Documented. Cause . A C# partial element is missing a documentation header. Rule Description