1. Radio-frequency identification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that uses communication through the use of radio waves to exchange data between a reader and an electronic tag ...
2. RFID Tags | Manufacturers of RFID Tag Products
Browse unique applications for RFID tags or search manufacturers of active and passive RFID tags. RFIDTags.com is the most comprehensive information source of all ...
3. RFID tag
RFID tag. An RFID tag is a microchip combined with an antenna in a compact package; the packaging is structured to allow the RFID tag to be attached to an object to ...
4. What is RFID?
AIM's RFID.org is source for objective information about RFID (radio frequency identification) business applications including RFID tags, RFID Technology, RFID ...
5. RFID Tags, RFID Tag, RFID Labels, Passive RFID tags, UHF RFID Tags ...
SmartMark RFID Tags . RFID tags use radio waves for the purpose of tracking and identifying your assets. Whether you need to track metal parts, components in chemical ...
6. RFID Tag Products - Huayuan RFID, The RFID tag manufacturer
RFID tag and passive tag professional supplier/manufacturer. Huayuan RFID tag is ready to provide you the quality and one-stop card solution today! Huayuan is focus ...
7. RFID Tags by RFIDSupplyChain.com
RFID tags can be passive RFID tags (the tags harvest the energy from the reader or antenna), active RFID tags (the tags have their own power source) or semi-passive ...
8. RFID Tag Source | +1 (866) 915 RFID | info@rfidtagsource.com
RFID TagSource, a leading provider of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies, today announced they have signed a Cooperative Research and Development ...
9. RFID Tag Characteristics
RFID tag characteristics FAQs - answers from Zebra to questions about RFID tags and powered and non-powered RFID chips.