1. Randsco
Kimler Adventure Pages (http://randsco.com) (Visit the website for full-size images, captions, links, video and other screen-only content) Home Page
2. Scott & Rachel's PCT Thru-hike
What're they do'in Now? We reached Manning Park Sept 17th! While we were hiking, we used the yellow hiking symbol and map below to track our progress.
3. Oregon Coast Cycle Tour Trip
Rachel and Scott's 2001 Oregon Cycle Tour Trip
4. Randsco - PCT Journal - Entry List - Scott & Rachel's PCT Thru-hike
Rachel & Scott's Pacific Crest Trail thruhike - Journal Entry Listing
5. Wonderland Trail: Journal & Trip Planning Info > Intro
Scott & Rachel's Wonderland Trail Journal - includes photos, topo maps & trail planning information. Information about Mt. Rainier, the Wonderland Trail, a complete trail ...
6. Scott's Big Ride Across America
Scott Kimler's 1999 Big Ride Across America ... 137 Cyclists Seattle to Washington DC 48 days of adventure 3,250 miles thru 12 States
7. Scott & Rachel's Wonderland Trail Journal > Day 0 (Reservations)
Wonderland Trail Journal with photos, maps and trail planning information. Arriving at Mt. Rainier National Park and making our reservations to hike the Wonderland Trail.