1. Pat Lewis, Welsh Artist
Designing houses, converting cottages and making living garden pictures has for many years fulfilled my love of design and colour. Now oil painting gives me continuing ...
2. Pat Lewis, Welsh Artist
If you are interested in purchasing an original painting please contact me by e mail:- info@patlewisart.co.uk or phone 0044 (0)1554 758873 ...
3. Pat Lewis - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything! 123people.co.uk
Everything you need to know about Pat Lewis Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Twitter, Andantes, Gospel, Royal Brompton Hospital, BP, Label
4. Peugeot Car Franchise, major distributor for Norfolk and Suffolk ...
Pat Lewis Limited registered as company in England and Wales .Company Reg. No. 2609634 Registered Office: Rose Lane Garage, Rose Lane, Palgrave.
5. Pat Lewis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pat Lewis is an American soul singer and backing vocalist since the 1960s.
6. Pat N. Lewis | Illustrator, Cartoonist, Awesome Dude | Portfolio
Artwork and Illustrations copyright © 2011 Pat N. Lewis. All Rights Reserved.
7. Crafts by Pat Lewis
Welcome to crafts by Pat Lewis. All items are hand made and hand painted by Pat & Dwight Lewis. Pat is a decorative painter. Her original designs have been shown at ...
8. Ivor & Pat Lewis
Ivor & Pat Lewis Stamford, Business profile, news and updates