1. A Guide to Brit Milah/Bris Milah
BRIT MILAH (Ritual Circumcision) Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Certified Mohel A Guide for Prospective Jewish Parents. This page is intended to answer some of the often-asked questions ...
2. Milah Institute
Hebrew language ulpan offering activities for involvement in Israeli society and culture.
3. Brit milah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brit milah (Hebrew: בְּרִית מִילָה [b'rī t mī'lā], Ashkenazi pronunciation, bris milôh, "covenant of circumcision"; Yiddish pronunciation, bris) is a Jewish ...
4. Milah
You are looking at the MASKILON set, the most complete, easiest-to-use learning tool that exists for those studying the Hebrew language.
5. BrisMilah.com: Home Page
I maintain this site as a service to the Pacific Northwest Jewish community and for those who want to know more about bris milah - Jewish ritual circumcision.
6. Fine Restaurant
Copyright © 2008 MiLah Vegetarian Restaurant. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owner.
7. Bris Milah
Dear Parents, Welcome to my website and thank you for allowing me to help guide you through this important and critical milestone in your baby's life.
8. Brit milah | Ask.com Encyclopedia
In the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 17:1-14) circumcision was enjoined by God to the Biblical patriarch Abraham, an act to be followed by his descendants:
9. Circumcision
The rite of circumcision (brit milah) is one of the most ancient practices of Judaism. The commandment to circumcise male children was given to Abraham in ...
10. Mohel Bris Milah Information Website MazalTov! MazalTov!
Rabbi Zachary Hepner's website dealing with all types of issues regarding Jewish Circumcision. It includes many original texts revolving around the Mitzva of Brit Milah