1. Kurdd.com Site Info
kurdd.com is one of the top 100,000 sites in the world.
2. www.Kurdd.com
Kurdd com SmartViper Statistics Mashups. Web design, web hosting, internet related sites. Advanced keyword suggestions. Last updated on July 13 2010.
3. YouTube - Kurd vs. Bosna
En bosnier vinner över en kurd ;D stackarn har inget land xP
4. kurddcom.blogspot.com
tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-4439118206290350034. 2010-06-21T14:51:59.462-07:00. KurdD.com كورددیزاین. بابهتهكانی یانهی كورد دیزاین تهنها ...
5. YouTube - kUrd iRAQ
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6. WinAVI Video Converter 10 0 Rapidshare, Torrent & Megaupload Download
Total Files: 1 More: WinAVI Video Converter 10 0 URL: http://soft.kurdd.com/winavi-video-converter-10-0-final...
7. kurdclick.net
Pshw.net, 2upl.com, nusin.net, kurdf.com, kurdd.com and at least 31 other hosts point to the same IP and also shares name servers. 9eg.net, e71.net, mtrp.net, t4t6.com, 3rt3.com and ...
8. xeyal.net
Kurdd.com, saman1.com, love4kurd.com, nawainwe.com, dldaran.com and at least two other hosts share mail servers under another name with this domain.
9. كورد ديزاين
تعتذر ادارة الموقع بشدة للزوار الكرام بسبب ... عنوان الموقع: http://www.kurdd.com