1. JUX.de - Just-for-Fun-Community
1. Sei dabei! Triff alte Bekannte und lerne die Freunde deiner Freunde kennen!
2. Urban Dictionary: jux
To rob. Verb. Present tense of juxt. ... 1. jux To rob. Verb. Present tense of juxt. Im gonna jux that faggots wallet.
3. Definitive Jux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Definitive Jux is an independent record label based in New York City, United States. It was co-founded in 1999 by Jaime Meline (El-P, also an artist under the label ...
5. Jeff Taylor (@jux_jeff) on Twitter
I'M A RUTHLESS TWEETER! #RihannaNavy #GGC #iPhone #WatchTheThrone #BeyonceBaby - Get short, timely messages from Jeff Taylor. Twitter is a rich source of instantly ...
6. JUX
This is a new series I've started called Homunculus. I'm still feeling things out, but I really like these images and had a lot of fun shooting them.
7. Egon Jux - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Egon Jux (* 17 July 1927 in Königsberg ; † 19 August 2008) was a German architect. He is best known for the Grand Duchess Charlotte Bridge, Luxembourg and ...