1. WJ#90,Pitch, Why surf here
www. WebsiteJim.mobi Websites for Mobile devices Our sales pitch #90 Why surf here
2. WJ#82, Mini Glossary
www. WebsiteJim.mobi Websites for Mobile devices Information page #82, Mini Glossary
3. bellj@cvcc.vccs
This is the first sentence of the page and usually captures the essence of this page. You can have as many sentences in a paragraph but make sure you communicate only one or at most two key ideas per paragraph
4. The Teach JIM on his mobile. Are you?
When the teacher teaches, the teacher learns. When the student teaches, the student learns.
5. Lord Jim (mobi) eBook: Joseph Conrad: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
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7. Amazon.com: Lord Jim (mobi) eBook: Joseph Conrad: Kindle Store
Start reading Lord Jim (mobi) on your Kindle in under a minute. Don’t have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here.
8. Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Lord Jim (mobi)
Lord Jim (mobi) by Joseph Conrad $0.99 $0.95. Get to Know Us. Careers; Investor Relations; Press Releases; Amazon and Our Planet
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