1. Induction loop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Induction loop is a term used to describe an electromagnetic communication- and detection system, relying on the fact that a moving magnet will induce an electrical ...
2. Hearing Loop
Provides information on induction loop systems which can transmit magnetic energy directly to hearing aids fitted with telecoils.
3. Induction Loop Assistive Listening Systems Accommodate Small to ...
Induction loop asssistive listening systems accommodate small to large rooms. Help hearing impaired inviduals in group situations. More cost effective than FM or ...
4. Audio induction loop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Audio Induction Loop systems, also called audio-frequency induction loops (abbreviated to AFILs) are an aid for the hard of hearing. They are a loop of cable around a ...
5. Induction Loop, Hearing Loop Systems, Sound Loop - Professional ...
Induction loop equipment, installation and advice to suit all types of users and budgets. Brands include Ampetronic, Signet, Contacta & Ditec
6. Induction Loop Assistive Listening Systems from Oval Window Audio
Hearing Loops in the news. Induction Loop Systems. Loop Questionnaire. Induction Loop Receivers. Induction Loop Testing Equipment. Ambient Noise Compensation
7. Hearing Loop and Audio Frequency Induction Loop Systems ...
Hearing Loops and Induction Loop Technology What is a Hearing Loop? What's the benefit to hearing aid users? Why not use FM? What are the advantages of Induction Loop ...
8. Room Induction Loop and Portable Induction Loop Systems.
Allansound Communications the UK's Induction Loop Specialists. Room Induction Loop, Portable Induction Loop, Personal Induction Loop, Counter Induction Loop, Church ...
9. JJ Electrical Services - Induction loop legislation, Building ...
Induction loop legislation and the relevatn regulations: Induction loop legislation, Building Regulations (1992), The Disability Discrimination Act (1995), The care ...