1. IFS: Bessere Software - Einfach, schneller
HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil Institut für Software Oberseestrasse 10 8640 Rapperswil Institutsleiter Peter Sommerlad peter.sommerlad(at)hsr.ch
2. ecolelasource.ch
Foss4g.ch, humavox.ch, ifsoftware.ch, unige.ch, umtec.ch and at least 145 other hosts share name servers with this domain. Arnes.eu, vadese.org, arnes.si, swinog.ch, tcom.ch and at ...
3. eicn.ch
Eicn.ch is delegated to two name servers, however one extra name server is listed in the zone. The primary name server is nestor.eicn.ch. Ne.ch, solutiontool.ch, ifsoftware.ch ...
3rd Workshop on Refactoring Tools. Cross Language Refactoring for Groovy and Java in Eclipse The Groovy Plug-in for the Eclipse IDE features a number of automated refactorings, that ...
For further information about CUTE please visit the website of the Institute for Software (IFS) http://www.ifs.hsr.ch/Cute.5820.0.html or the CUTE documentation on Peter ...
6. Ten Steps for Establishing a Software Measurement Program
©SE-CURE AG, www.se-cure.ch Observation Observation If software quality is so important, why is it so often neglected? We all agree that software quality is important and becomes more ...
7. PeterSommerlad: Peters Bio -
He heads the Institute for Software (www.ifsoftware.ch), that tries to improve software practice in Switzerland by the motto "better software, simply faster".
8. @Risk
Revolutionary "What-if" Software! Has this ever happened to you: You’ve created a comprehensive spreadsheet model describing the entire financial structure of your department.
9. Software Evolution as the Key to Productivity?
... University of Bern, Switzerland oscar.nierstrasz@acm.org www.iam.unibe.ch/~oscar Abstract ... If software evolution is really the key issue in developing successful software systems, why is ...
10. Technical Report Series
PARANOR February 10,2001 PARANOR AG, Juraweg 14, CH-3046 Wahlendorf, Switzerland ... If software components structure their exceptions, and in particular related ones, in exception ...