1. Google Directory - Society > Genealogy > Surnames > H > Hobler
Hobler - http://www.hobler.vintagekin.net/ Ancestors and descendants of James Francis Helvetius Hobler (1764-1844). Features biography, family tree, maps and Huguenot history.
2. H - Genealogy Website Directory
www.hobler.vintagekin.net/ Hobt Family research in the USA compiled by Kevin R Hobt. Includes picture gallery. www.geocities.com/khobt2000/ Hocutt
3. Swiss Genealogy, Personal Pages Of Swiss Families, French/Italian ...
Erica Rowyn : http://hobler.vintagekin.net/index.htm The BUVELOT family of Morges and Nyon. Jérôme Schöni : http://mypage.bluewin.ch/schoeni/champoud/
4. Swiss Genealogy, Personal Pages Of Swiss Families, Canton Bern
Erica Rowyn : http://hobler.vintagekin.net/index.htm The HOBLER and BURGUNDER families of Twann. Toni Turk : http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=trturk
5. Surnames Page 027
Hobler "France, Switzerland, England, Australia, United States of America and Canada" JFH Hobler Research hoblerhistory@lycos.com http://www.hobler.vintagekin.net "Ancestors and ...
6. ZETBRAID.NAROD.RU. www.danner.com, www.ac-pinneberg.de, www ...
Www.australiamoviesite.com, www.agung-bali-nirwana.com www.hawaiipolo.com, www.dezodorantsquad.pl www.mfa.gov.al, www.fu.no www.hobler.vintagekin.net, www.hostseek.com, www ...
7. Illustrated London News 1843
Richard Brown, Mayor." the above article from November 11th reproduced here by kind permission of Erica Rowyn http://www.hobler.vintagekin.net/tiln.htm
8. Furby - business, products and services relating to furby at free ...
http://www.hobler.vintagekin.net/ Ancestors and descendants of James Francis Helvetius Hobler (1764-1844). Features biography, family tree, maps and Huguenot history.