1. Blues - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre that originated in African-American communities of primarily the Deep South of the United States at ...
2. Early Blues Artists - Profiles of Early Blues Artists
Six Essential Blues Arts from the Early Blues Era, 1910-1950
3. Early Blues
The roots and origins of the blues, circa 1910 to 1950, including artist profiles, album reviews and essential early blues artists and recordings.
4. Early Blues - Lyrics For Music Lovers
The African-American people who sang and played early blues carried an ancestral heritage and were subject to a wide range of musical idioms. Music functioned directly in ...
5. Profiles of early blues artists
Profiles of early blues artists individually intended as snapshots of each performer, and collectively to portray the lifestyle of these pioneers.
6. YouTube - The Xstatix Live: EARLY BLUES PIONEERS
We did a show dedicated to the blues, so I made this clip in honor of these great early delta blues singers. I used R.Crumb's artwork and I set it to Robert Johnson's ...
7. Blues - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The blues is a form of music that started in the United States during the start of the 20th century. It was started by former African slaves from spirituals, praise songs ...
8. Amazon.com: Library Of Ragtime and Early Blues Piano ((the Library ...
Pianists and vocalists alike will enjoy the great song hits of this golden age--from the ragtime show-stoppers of Irving Berlin to the lowdown blues of W.C. Handy and ...