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3. delete crash [Archive] - CodeGuru Forums
[Archive] delete crash Visual C++ Programming ... Hi all, Foo* f = new Foo( d );//where d is object of Foo class //class constructor
4. Amazon.com: "disobjectalizing function": Key Phrase page
Key Phrase page for disobjectalizing function: Books containing the phrase disobjectalizing function
5. Binary Compatibility
If D is Object then the qualifying type of the expression is Object. Otherwise: If the expression is of the form Primary.m then the compile-time type of Primary is the qualifying ...
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Begin %q is string len 20 %hint is LongString %d is Object StringList %s is Fixed %x is Float %d = New ...
7. JavaScript 2.0 Variables
The compiler might issue a warning for a VariableDefinition that contains an untyped variable prior to a typed variable to remind programmers that the type of d is Object rather than ...
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9. instanceof causes an error in IE5 - JavaScript / Ajax / DHTML answers
"d is object" chirs <yma@kicon.com> wrote in message news:4c22a744.0310031249.2afd4962@posting.google.c om...[color=blue] > Hi, > > These 2 lines caused an error in IE5.