1. smtp.cobis.org.uk
smtp.cobis.org.uk has one IP number (, but the reverse is smtp.acens.net. Smtp.ivansaldanya.com, smtp.hotelobispo.com, smtp.vitis2000.com, smtp.globalcontents.com ...
2. Home, Information Management for Schools from WCBS
At WCBS, we're in the business of simplifying the core management processes on which schools depend.
3. Experts in independent education
Teaching and Senior Management posts for independent sector schools in the UK and overseas.
London, May 9-11, 2009 The full conference programme is now available on www.cobis.org.uk and is also being circulated with this newsletter. The programme will include an update from ...
5. Mathletics.co.uk - Mathletics -Achieve More
Mathletics is the next generation in learning, helping students enjoy maths and improve their results. Mathletics covers Key Stage 1 to A Level National Curriculum Framework
6. ISC Constituent Associations – Independent Schools Council
Colin Bell, Executive Director: Telephone: +44 (0)1252 513 930: Fax: +44 (0)1252 516 000: Email: general.secretary@cobis.org.uk: Website: www.cobis.org.uk
7. COBIS, Council of British International Schools - ISC
Pembroke House 8 St Christophers Place Farnborough, GU14 0NH, UK. Telephone: +44 (0)1252 513 930 Fax: +44 (0)1252 516 000 Email: general.secretary@cobis.org.uk
8. Council of British International Schools - Wikipedia, the free ...
COBIS is a constituent member of the Independent Schools Council (ISC) in the UK, and member schools are inspected by the UK-based Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).