1. Amy_Racing Links
bwrdc.co.uk : Founded in 1962 by Mary Wheeler MBE, the British Women Racing Drivers Club's objective is to promote WOMEN IN MOTOR SPORT.
2. Racing and Motorsports > Events - Automotive and Car Directory
British Womens Racing Driver's Club Club for women in motorsport in the UK, including racing, rallying, karting, sprinting, and hillclimbing. http://www.bwrdc.co.uk/
3. Useful Links
British Racing Drivers Club www.brdc.co.uk: Motor Sports Association www.msauk.org: The British Womens Racing Drivers Club www.bwrdc.co.uk: Historic Sports Car Club www.hscc.org.uk
4. Cathy Warner - United Kingdom - Email, Address, Phone number ...
... Ladies racing during the Coy's Weekend: From left to right:Janet McPherson (displaying her Austin Healey 3000 on the Carcoon Stand), Cathy Warner and another visitor. bwrdc.co.uk
5. Karen Hawker - United Kingdom - Email, Address, Phone number ...
Birkett 6 Hour Relay Karen Hawker duly took over and helped the team to move up the scoreboard, putting in a very good performance in her first outing this season. bwrdc.co.uk
6. Amanda Whitaker is Britain's most successful female racing driver!
Accountants that have a particularly good understanding of motorsport based ... www.bwrdc.co.uk
7. Welcome [www.quickword.co.uk]
With very strong links with The British Women Racing Drivers’ Club, QUICKWORD not only reports on the activities of B.W.R.D.C. Members but also covers the exploits of as many ...
8. Action Resources for Race Driver Management, Women in Motor-Sport
The British Women Racing Drivers' Club website may be found at www.bwrdc.co.uk The MIA took an important inititiative by setting up workshops on this subject at Autosport ...