1. Criticism of the BBC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Jerusalem Post reported the story using the headline "Complaints of BBC bias ... Main article: Television licensing in the United Kingdom
2. BBC report damns its ‘culture of bias’ - Times Online
THE BBC is institutionally biased, an official report will conclude this week.
3. BBC bias
Last weekend, excerpts from a book by former BBC reporter Robin Aitken were published in a Sunday newspaper ( link ). He wrote that being a Tory in the BBC was "the ...
4. UKIP East Sussex - BBC Bias ?
This website is dedicated to The UK Independence Party, and to fighting for British Sovereignty.
5. Busting BBC Bias
Busting BBC Bias Journal intended to be a modest companion to Biased BBC in laying bare the corporation's partiality. This blog is no longer updated.
6. YouTube - BBC Bias?
A Newswatch broadcast on BBC Bias. I think it is typical of BBC bias! because the woman complaining is almost certainly Jewish and possible the second speake...
7. Wonko's World » BBC Bias
Vanity "Combat boredom the English way! Follow @wonkotsane (NSFS - Not Safe For Scotland)" - Jim Hawkins, BBC Radio Shropshire; Search
8. UK Minister of Women & Equality Calls Out BBC Bias Against Older Women
You've gotta love a country that has a Government Equalities Office (GEO) and a Minister of Women and Equality who speaks up when she sees bad things happen to good ...
9. The BBC world view - bias at the BBC - page 1 | The Internet Forum
Robin Aitken: BBC bias as seen from the inside. In May 2005, Robin Aitken, a former BBC correspondent accused the BBC of "institutionalised leftism" in a book he is writing ...