2. biksi.net
You might also be interested in bikshit.net, biksi.ru, biksi.com and biksk.se. Biksi.net is hosted on a server in Poland. Reputation is not yet known.Search for biksi.net.
3. pilorama-hit.ru
Olegmoskalev.ru, sksvrn.ru, biksi.ru, intercon.ru, vrnsk.ru and at least 66 other hosts share name servers with this domain. More information. pilorama-hit.ru is hosted on a server in ...
4. Biksi languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Biksi languages are a small family of two closely related languages, Kimki and Yetfa (Biksi). They are generally classified among the Sepik languages of northern Papua New Guinea.
5. YouTube - BIKSI
0:12 Add to Added to queue Cp 3 12 05 Biksi atışı by cpcengiz 6,820 views 2:42 Add to Added to queue MG3 live fire exercise by MadsKaizer 3,538 views
6. biksi - Android Market Help
Topic Asked By Replies Last Reply ... biksi
7. Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs - Biksi
Program number C16930 - Words of Life w/ TOK PISIN songs in the Biksi language
8. News/Events - DJ Biksi
Dakujem, ze ste mi fandili a povzbudzovali ma pocas mojho hrania. Verim, ze ste sa dobre vyblaznili a vyskakali :) BIKSI
1 BIKSI... the villages of [Biksi] were named as Kwutiye, Afene, Raru, and Rapre, all towards the headwaters of the Biake River. - Laycock 1971:73, n.
10. SIL Bibliography: Tampulma mura tɔn naa laa biksi nyɛn weri ...
SIL bibliography listing for Tampulma mura tɔn naa laa biksi nyɛn weri nyɛni. 1985