1. Lake Baikal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lake Baikal (Russian: о́зеро Байка́л Ozero Baykal, pronounced [ˈozʲɪrə bʌjˈkɑl]; Buryat: Байгал нуур Baygal nuur, meaning "nature lake") is the ...
2. Baikal_Canada (baikalcanada.com) baikal firearms canada hunting ...
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3. Lake Baikal: Definition from Answers.com
Baikal or Baykal ( ) , Lake A lake of south-central Russia. Over 636 km long (394 mi), it is the largest freshwater lake in Eurasia and the world's
4. Baikal
El lago Baikal contiene el 20% del agua dulce del planeta. Es el lago más profundo del mundo, con 1.637 m. Tiene 650 km de largo. Contiene agua suficiente, para dar de beber a la ...
5. Baikal
Site offers gallery of styling of guns produced under “Baikal” trade mark, ordering information, custom design, dealers details, and contact information.
6. Baikal seal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Baikal seal, Lake Baikal seal, or Nerpa (Pusa sibirica, obsolete: Phoca sibirica), is a species of earless seal endemic to Lake Baikal in Siberia.
7. baikal canada over and under shotgun side by side classic hunting ...
ABOUT US IZH Impex Inc is an exclusive distributor in Canada of the Russian firearms produced by Izhevsky Mechanichesky Zavod and well known throughout the world ...
8. Lake Baikal Homepage - Everything about the lake Baikal
Everything about the lake Baikal:ecology,tourism,latest info,details from Encyclopedia,nature, history,geology,Circumbaikal railroad,photogallerys,Listvyanka ,natives,Olkhon island ...
9. Baikal | Define Baikal at Dictionary.com
–noun. Lake, a lake in the Russian Federation, in S Siberia: the deepest lake in the world. 13,200 sq. mi. (34,188 sq. km); 5714 ft. (1742 m) deep.
10. Geology of the lake Baikal
On all sides the Baikal hollow is surrounded by mountains: on the western shore the lake is closely rimmed by the Primorsky and Baikalsky Ranges, with their ...