1. Anodisers Association of Australia, Anodising, Anodised Aluminium
This industry association was formed to promote the use of anodising as a finish for aluminium in Australia. Contact an anodiser in your area today.
2. Anodizing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anodizing, or anodising in British English, is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts.
What is anodising? Anodising is the process by which the natural film on aluminium is greatly increased in thickness. Aluminium metal is on the anodic ...
4. Anodising Industries Ltd | Protective Coating Specialists
For more than fifty years, KG has been a recognized leader in the custom formulation of protective coatings and lubricants for high performance and an invaluable ...
5. Anodising Information, Australia, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane ...
Dyeing of anodised materials. The most common anodizing processes, for example sulfuric acid on aluminium, produce a porous surface which can accept dyes easily.
6. What is Anodising - How Anodising Works - The Anodising Process
What is Anodising. This page will describe what Anodising is, and how anodising works. And variations on the Anodising Process. Hard Anodising Ltd.
7. Creative Chemistry - Anodising Aluminium
Teaching notes and student guide for anodising aluminium.
8. Anodising Industries Ltd | Marine
Marine Marine anodising 20-25 micron Anodising is one of the best options for aluminium in a mairine environment the aluminium oxide that is created is an ...
9. Anodising Solutions
UK2NET UK2.NET UK'S FREE DOMAIN NAMES ... Anodising Solutions LLP is a well-established company providing high-quality finishing services to the ...