1. Ankit Fadia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ankit Fadia is an independent computer security consultant He runs a program on computer security for corporates in alliance with Reliance Info.
2. Reality Of Ankit Fadia
There are only few people in the hacking field who have never heard about Ankit Fadia ,the so called self declared ?India?s Best Ethical Hacker? ,There are lot of arguments and ...
A child genius, he's a cyber security Guru at the age when most people have graduated. Ankit Fadia started hacking at the age of 12 when he was gifted a new computer by his ...
4. Milestones in Ankit Fadia's Life
Milestones in Ankit Fadia's Life AGE 10 - Gifted a computer at home by his parents. AGE 12 - Developed an interest in Computer Hacking. AGE 14 - Published his first book titled The ...
5. Little Genius - The Ankit Fadia Way
Reliance World, in association with Ankit Fadia, brings a programme designed especially to take children on an exciting journey into the world of computers and the Internet.
6. ankit_fadia
Milestones in Ankit Fadia’s Life AGE 10 - Gifted a computer at home by his parents. AGE 12 - Developed an interest in Computer Hacking. AGE 14 – Published his first book titled ...
7. Ankit Fadia, a Professional Keynote Speaker with Gail Davis ...
Ankit Fadia: The David Copperfield of Computer Security and New York Times Bestselling Author
8. The coolest ethical hacker in the world, Ankit Fadia co-hosts ...
Ankit Fadia The coolest ethical hacker in the world, Ankit Fadia co-hosts India's first tech show "What the Hack!" on MTV