1. Food Allergy Alerts
Allergy UK is the operational name of the British Allergy Foundation, a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales
2. Allergy UK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allergy UK is a British medical charity dedicated to helping humans with their allergies, food intolerance and chemical sensitivity. It was founded in 1991 as the British ...
3. Login to Allergy UK Healthcare Professional Registered Area
Giving advice and support to Healthcare Professionals treating patients with allergy or intolerance
4. Peanut Allergy UK
Discussion and support forum for peanut allergy sufferers based in the United Kingdom
5. The British Institute For Allergy and Environmental Therapy
Members are qualified health professionals - both mainstream and complementary - with a keen interest in allergic conditions and their causes.
6. Allergy UK
The Allergy UK Page of the Allergy Alliance website, which provides links to organisations in the UK working with allergy.
7. Alprotec Allergy and eczema control and prevention products from ...
Allergy protection products, allergen detection and measurement systems, anti-allergy bedding systems for protection from house dust mites and pets. Assays for ...