1. Affiliated | Define Affiliated at Dictionary.com
adjective being in close formal or informal association; related: a letter sent to all affiliated clubs; a radio network and its affiliated local stations. Origin ...
2. Afflated | Define Afflated at Dictionary.com
adjective having inspiration; inspired. Origin: 1840–50; obsolete afflate to inspire (< Latin afflātus, past participle of afflāre; see afflatus ) + -ed 2 :10 :09 ...
3. afflated: meaning and definitions — Infoplease.com
afflated: Definition and Pronunciation ... Find definitions for: af•flat•ed Pronunciation: (u-flā'tid), —adj. having inspiration; inspired.
4. 深圳绯特司品牌设计公司—VI设/标志设计/画册 ...
深圳绯特司品牌设计公司以极具国际化的水准为世界范围内的客户提供极具个性的平面设计!绯特司设计公司是一家立足于深圳 ...
5. searching for an afflated orgasm of the heart
Last night, I fell asleep while watching the new “Red Riding Hood.” I woke up a third into the movie screaming my head off and crying “it’s over here, it’s ...
6. 品牌设计、VI设计、标志设计、画册设计、包装 ...
品牌成败的关键是决策者! Decision-maker is the key to brand ! 品牌形象为什么要一开始就不同凡响? Why we need outstanding at a beginning?
7. Monte Nido® Eating Disorder Treatment Center
Monte Nido is an eating disorder treatment center specializing in anorexia treatment, bulimia treatment and exercise addiction. In this residential treatment center ...
8. 沃特玩具vi设计
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