1. How to get SBR approval..... - Gunco.net
The fingerprint cards are FBI FD-258LE - NFA, Imports ORI DCATF0100; You can order the ATF forms from [Only registered and activated users can see links.
2. SBR'd AR15 - a brief guide and my experience
2 - FBI FD-258LE - NFA, Imports ORI WVATF0100 With those items off the check list you will also need the following. 2 – Recent Photographs (Passport style) 2”x2”
3. DRM Precision Weapons
– – Two completed Fingerprint Cards (ATF / FBI FD-258LE). – – $200 ($5 for AOW) Transfer and Registration Tax, payable to "ATF" (personal check or money order).
4. Guide to Obtaining a Legal Silencer
FBI Fingerprint Cards (FBI-258LE) Corporation and Trust applicants need not bother with these. Your dealer has these in his possession and you need to ask for at least 4 of them.
5. DRM Precision Weapons
For transfers to individuals (that are not FFLs/SOTs): Fingerprint Cards (two) -- ATF / FBI FD-258LE ...
6. Form List
FBI FD-258FA - FFL Application ORI WVATF1100 Limit 2 copies per order. FBI FD-258EX - Explosives Applications ORI WVATF0900. FBI FD-258LE - NFA, Imports ORI WVATF0800
7. SBR (Short Barrel Rifle) Paperwork FAQ - Firepower Forums
- Be fingerprinted (2 copies) on FBI FD-258LE cards (available from the ATF website). Your local Police Department of Sheriff's Office can usually do this for you at no or minimal cost
8. Instructions on how to complete Form 1 paperwork for "Individual":
... atf.gov/dcof/index.htm Once on the ATF page, look on the right side in blue - then scroll down to the bottom of the page and you'll see the finger print card called " FBI FD-258LE ...
9. Corel Office Document
The FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division will accept the downloaded paper fingerprint card only for the purposes of requesting an FBI Identification Record through ...