Official Militant Tendency website. Thirty two years of Militant, now The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party, with links to the Socialist Party, details of campaigns...
International Socialist Group - British Section of the Fourth In...
The International Socialist Group is the British Section of the Fourth International, founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938. The ISG campaigns in Britain for a fundamental soci...
amiel and melburn trust
The Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust website, with a large database of radical material including Marxism Today, the New Reasoner, Universities and Left Review
SSP - Scottish Socialist Party - Socialism - Independence - Inte...
The SSP is Scotland’s socialist party that campaigns to replace capitalism with socialism, for people, not profit.
Socialist Workers Party - an anticapitalist, revolutionary party
Socialist Workers Party, a revolutionary, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-imperialist party based in Britain.
Socialist Worker (Britain) — an anticapitalist, revolutiona...
Socialist Worker, a revolutionary, anti-capitalist socialist newspaper based in Britain.

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