MyOffice - established secure system for sharing online diaries, tasks, email, contacts - an alternative to Outlook and Exchange.
Proporta designs and manufactures iPod, iPhone cases, Archos and other MP3 player cases and provide power solutions, cables, screen protectors for HTC, Apple, iPAQ, Sony...
Power Battery (UK) is a major manufacturer and retailer of replacement laptop batteries, camcorder batteries, digital camera batteries, pda batteries, two way radio batte...
Shopping for a Palm barcode scanner? Not sure if it's what you need? Reviews & info on Palm, Wasp, pocket pc, Metrologic, pda, portable, wireless handheld, cordl...
Field service software on a PDA provides mobile data communication for field sales and engineers and their head office.
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Etre Touchy gloves are a stylish, fun and practical way to keep your hands warm while using your touch-screen phone, portable games system, media player and other electro...
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falcixx - Manufacturer of DuraSec screen protections
Voice Mobile is an independent telecommunications company based at the prestigious Fort Dunlop building in Birmingham.