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Introduction to directional drilling application in the ground source heat pump industry.
For a truly exceptional experience book a table in our restaurant and choose from our wide range of sumptuous dishes or delicious cocktails. You'll find us between betwee...
Telecom Redux, Critical intelligence for the new era in IT, Telecoms, and New Media. Now incorporating the online edition of Wireless Business Review.
Primary Classroom Resources sells bright, colourful teaching and learning resources for teachers and parents of children from Nursery to lower KS3. A FREE download sectio...
Loop Antennas - Wellbrook Communications are the only UK company that supplies a complete range of
Long wave, Medium wave AM and Shortwave Broadband, Wideband Active Loo...
Eurotherm solutions for industrial automation and process control. DCS, SCADA, Temperature/ process controller, data recording, SCR and SSR controls, Action instruments s...
Situated on the edge of Snowdonia, nestling in a loop of the river Seiont, Riverside Camping is a delightful, level four and a half acre family site, attractively landsca...