Passfast Intensive Driving Courses Dundee Perth Arbroath Scotlan...
Passfast Intensive Driving Courses Dundee Perth Arbroath Scotland UK Learn to drive with a crash course in 10 days or less tel 01382 524978 or 07515 255444 - teaching resources and educational links fo...
free teaching resources and teaching ideas for primary school teachers - classroom displays, lesson plans, reading journals, worksheets, wordsearches and spellings, schem...
Five Star Sailing School: Sail & powerboat lessons - instruction...
Sailing School providing RYA RORC and JOG yacht courses for cruising and racing yachtsmen. Corporate Sailing and hospitality events, yacht charter is supported and indivi...
Sea kayaking courses - expeditions - kayak sales - coaching -tri...
Sea kayaking courses and expeditions for all levels in the south west, We stock a wide range of kayaks, paddles and equipment, sit on top hire and tours.
Channel 4 learning - online education resources and activities f...
Portal for Channel 4's online learning resources, offering curriculum-based activities and websites, games, TV listings and an online shop for the purchase of learning pr... - Creating Learning Opportunities through...
childrenthinking was set up by practising teachers in order to provide support and training in the area of Philosophy with Children. It coordinates a range of courses and...
Teaching Ideas - Free lesson ideas, plans, activities and resour...
Find hundreds of free teaching ideas, lesson plans, and primary / secondary resources which can be used in the classroom. A fantastic resource for primary teachers!

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