The homepage for the |LBTG| gaming clan. At this time we play CS:S, GTA IV and Left 4 Dead. We are based in Europe.
A resource for military historians, genealogists and others with an interest in the Great War of 1914-1918
Stampede ECS gun is a great Nerf gun for all ages. Watch some cool Stampede ECS videos and see a rapid fire foam dart gun in dart wars and office games., gun guns GUN Guns gans firearms fire arms hunting guns rifles combo gun side-by-side sidebyside over and under airguns pistols airpistols air pnevmatic...
A nail gun is more convenient and effective when driving nails in, as opposed to using a manual hammer. Nail guns are also better at securing the nails so that they do no...
The USE OF SELF DEFENSE WEAPONS, Pepper Sprays, Stun Guns and TASER DRAMATICALLY REDUCES INJURY RATES and helps aid in protection against attack. is the number 1 humor page in the world. Just kidding... Actually it is collections of fail, funny and humorous pictures, videos and text messages.
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