Kolhapur foundry – Ferrous cupola, non ferrous metal casting ind...
Kolhapur Foundry.com, Serves Information about Ferrous,Non Ferrous Metal Casting Industries,Foundry Equipment,Food processing industries & Cnc Vmc machines shops all...
www.nyckelharpa.com - Your best choice in Swedish Folkmusic
Swedish Folkmusic and Nyckelharpas: nyckelharpa.com by Leif Alpsjo offers a variety of services in traditional Swedish Culture and a wide selection of top quality nyckelh...
SICAST » microfusione e fotoincisione per meccanica, strum...
Fusione a cera persa e incisione chimica in ottone, alpacca, bronzo, rame berillio, alluminio, acciaio e leghe speciali. Da disegno o campione, senza minimo di quantità....
Bronze Age Sculpture Casting Foundary
Bronze Age Sculpture Casting Foundry is one of London′s largest established Bronze foundries and experienced in all aspects of sculpture casting
Hyperlinks, news and information for casting buyers, foundries a...
FoundryOnline.com provides information for casting buyers, foundries and foundry suppliers concerning exhibitions, patternmaking, training, recruitment, machinery, books...

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