Chennai Borewell, Borewell in Chennai, Chennai Borewells, Borewe...
Saradha Borewell is a leading Service Provider of Manufacturing Services,Civil Engineering Services. Some of the services provided by the company in the category Borewell...
construction machinery parts
AS Construction Machinery Co.,Ltd.,is a global supplier of construction machinery parts, we manufacture, integrate, export parts for forklift,grader,crane,asphalt paver...
Oil Rig Job Vacancies - Worldwide Oil Jobs - Global Recruiting!
Oil Rig Jobs & Oil Jobs Vacancy - Positions available for people with or without experience. Earn good money on an oil rig. Apply online and get hired today!
Machine Tools - Lathe Machine | Radial Drilling Machine | Tool R...
Yash Machine Tools: offers machine tools including lathe machine, radial drilling machine, tool room machines and SPM/heavy machines like all geared lathe, extra heavy du...
Oilcareers | Oil & Gas Jobs in Asia | Oil and Gas Jobs Search |...
OIL AND GAS JOBS is an Asia Engineering Job site for oil and gas jobs. Search jobs in upstream and downstream oil & gas, subsea, chemical and power plants.
Oilcareers | Oil and Gas Career Asia | Roustabout | Oil & Gas Jo...
OIL AND GAS CAREER is an Asia Engineering Job site. Find jobs in oil & gas, subsea, chemical and power plants.
Select Energy systems Inc | Completions, Drilling tools and well...
Select Energy systems Inc specializing in and providing live well, gas coiled tubing completion services and provider of drilling tools and wellheads.
CNC, Precision Machining, Machine Shop, Minnesota | Park Precisi...
We specialize in close tolerance CNC precision machining in the areas of milling, drilling, tapping, turning, and CAD. Minnesota CNC company
Lathes (Lathe Machines) - Power Presses and Guillotine Shears An...
Manufacturer and Exporter of Lathes (Lathe Machines), Power Presses and Guillotine Shears And Shearing Machines offered by Machinery & Spares, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Buildex Self Drilling Screws - Roofing Sheets and Roofing Materi...
Manufacturer and Supplier of Buildex Self Drilling Screws, Roofing Sheets and Roofing Materials offered by Gods Enterprise, Surat, Gujarat, India.

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