KEY Facilities Management - Facilities Management through Consul...
KEY Facilities Management - delivers real value through consulting, outsourced management services, project management and interim management.
ChangeUp National Portal .:. Home Page
ChangeUp is about strengthening the support and assistance available to voluntary and community organisations
Maxwell Stamp PLC - Welcome
Maxwell Stamp is one of the world's leading international economics consultancies. Established in 1959, we have over 45 years of experience in over 165 countries and terr...
WELCOME TO MAXIS RESTAURANT - 6 Bingley Street, Leeds, LS3 1LX...
It has been a persistent ambition to create the perfect high-class Chinese restaurant for Managing Director Mr. Raymond Wong. In 1989 aspiration became reality with the...
Capacity Building for the Development Community - IMA Internatio...
IMA International provides international Training Courses and Consultancy in International Development. Our capacity building work also includes coaching and tailor-made...
Managing At The Top 2 (MATT 2) : Ministry of Establishment, Govt...
Managing At The Top 2, Ministry of Establishment, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Matara Centre at Kingscote Park, Civil Weddings, Accommodation...
The Cotswolds most unique venue set in a place of tranquil beauty, offering civil weddings, onsite accommodation, special events, and open gardens.
HIPC - Home
The Foreign Private Capital Capacity Building Programme (FPC CBP) supports governments in developing countries to build the capacity to monitor and analyse the effects of...

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